• The 7 Last Words of Christ

    Every year, 7th Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan holds a community service on Good Friday.  This service consists of seven meditations by seven Reformed ministers from different churches, each treating one of the seven sayings of Christ from the cross.  They are usually very edifying and help maintain the

  • Let not your Heart be Troubled

    A collection of sermons by Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones is entitled Let Not Your Heart be Troubled addresses an existential struggle we all are going through right now – trouble and anxiety. All of the chapters address the matter helpfully and from a robustly biblical perspective. It is a very satisfying

  • Mary’s Love for Jesus

    In between two tragic developments of opposition against Jesus in Mark 14:1-2 and 10-11 we have the contrast presented in Mary’s anointing of Jesus.  Jesus receives this act of devotion, defends its high purpose, and establishes its significance for perpetuity.  In this passage we are searched by God’s Word as

  • Wednesday – Growing Opposition and Betrayal

    On Wednesday of the final week of Jesus’ humiliation we find the opposition to Jesus rising to a feverish pitch and Judas spies out an opportunity to betray Him. In the middle of these acts of aggression we have Mary’s act of devotion and love to Jesus. Bible passages that

  • Passion Week Tuesday – Temple questions

    Jesus always stirred the ire of the religious leaders, whether it was by the timing of his miracles (e.g. taking place on the Sabbath) or the words that He spoke (e.g. “Your sins be forgiven you…” So too now, the religious leaders were plotting to take Jesus and yet could

  • The Cleansing of the Temple

    Good day, I pray that God blesses your meditations on the ministry of His Son as He went to the cross.  We know that this is spiritual food for believers every day of our lives, but I hope considering our present circumstances, that we find these thoughts precious and uplifting.

  • Laboring in Faith

    19th century French pastor, Adolphe Monod, in reflecting on his ministry wrote, “Faith is my strength. My success in everything is in proportion to my faith. Certainly God always hears me when I cry to Him in faith. O happy experience! May God continue to bless my ministry. To Him

  • Incarnation and Evangelism

    Such phrases as “Incarnational Ministry” or “Incarnational Evangelism” sound biblical and can appear motivational…but are they? Sure such phrases are past their prime and the Christian church has moved on to “Gospel-centered…” this or that. It is always necessary to rightly understand the incarnation and its application to Christian life

  • Addressing Lows and Lulls in Church Life

    A French-reformed Pastor of the 19th century, Adolphe Monod, asked the question, “How are we to deliver the church from its inward languor [tiredness or inertia] and outward inactivity?” A question that could fit well with the current trend of what has come to be known as “church revitalization.” He

  • Feeding the Lamp of Piety

    Taken from the chapter entitled “The Devout Widow” from a book available on Google Play called Pastoral Reminiscences by Shepard Kollock we have very helpful insight into the importance of direct views of Christ for daily piety. “How true it is that “the just,” the righteous in Christ Jesus “live,”